Foundational Protocol (PDF)

Foundational Protocol (PDF)

On this link, you can download the guidelines to use The Breather:
    • Related Articles

    • How was the Training Protocol Developed?

      The Breather’s training protocol was initially developed by its creator, Peggy Nicholson, through empirical testing to determine the most effective approach. The standard protocol—two sets of 10 breaths, twice daily—has been used for over 40 years ...
    • Protocols Use By Case

      This document includes guidance to use The Breather for different medical conditions:
    • Device Dial Pressures

      Device Dial Pressures for the ORiginal Breather can be downloaded on this link:
    • What are the differences between each of the devices?

      The BREATHER (the blue and white device that you may have seen) is the original device. This device and the companion resources target adults and children with Respiratory Muscle Weakness. BREATHER FIT (black and orange device) generates higher ...
    • What pressure does each number on the breather represent?

      The pressures generated by the specific settings of the Breather are flow dependent, and differ in healthy people/athletes/those with respiratory impairment. Please, have a look at our website for typical pressure ranges: ...